love festivals, hate big concerts

2 min read time


i’ve come to the conclusion that my brain is full of preferences and choices that make complete logical sense to me but to anyone else… they just don’t get it.

(beware, this will be a meaningless rant)

listen. i love music, dancing and positive energy surrounding me. therefore, i love clubs, pubs, bars, spacious festival and small concerts. why do i love these things? welll, i’m kinda an empath :P.

lol, but seriously, i really love being around energy that’s not overstimulating. i hate a busy commute but i love a busy club. i think it’s because at these kind of events, there’s no rush and i don’t have to feel like i’m wanted or needed anywhere. i can take my time, dance, talk, close my eyes and think without any worries. nothing is expected of me but a good time with friends!

but on the other side of all this, i detest the thought of going to a huge concert. absolutely not! 50,000 people and we’re stuck in the same place?! that’s a torture method!!! i have to either sit so far away from the act that i am now just in a void staring down at a speck on the stage or if i get closer tickets, i have to be forced into standing and squashing at the front of the arena for hours! neither option seems good! the thought of it all just makes my skin crawl! eurgh!

for me to truly enjoy myself, there are requirements.

i need escape routes. i want to have enough space for me to go and hide in the toilet if need be. or to just walk around to give myself some me time.

i just feel that being forced to stay in one busy place for hours just seems like a lot. it sounds crazy because i can go to a festival or club and feel fine. but i think that the idea that i’m not forced to stay static is a big factor. i can move or leave at any point. but a huge concert is a commitment. i don’t want to pay for a full performance to just leave!

i don’t think this is something that will change about me. i find a lot of joy going to smaller concerts and festivals. it’s just the details that will determine whether i want to rip my hair out or jump for joy.

ah, the brain. complex and largely illogical.

well, thank you for reading the most unneeded blog post ever. but hey! my blog, my rules!

peace out!

bye, bye xox


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