Don’t Let Creative Slumps Drown You!
2 min read time
i’m back with a food for thought post today. i hope you’re having a lovely day. i definitely am warming up to having a great day myself.
i am a creative. it’s engrained into my bones and it’s one of the the thing i love the most about myself.
unfortunately, over the last year and a half, i have been in the biggest creative slump. it sucked the life out of me and i felt for a while that i would never have the courage to start exercising my creativity out of my own volition again. i was so scared to start back up because i felt that if it did, it would not be good enough.
i ended the last year quite unwell, the stress caught up to me and i developed a health issue. this forced me to slow down and take an extended amount of time off of work. in this time off, i started to read again, to think about who i would like to be in the new year. it made me realise that the only thing stopping me was myself. i let myself become wrapped up in the, “what ifs?”, and ignored the, “who cares?”.
i gained a new sort of determination to get my thoughts out there. to capture the beauty i see around me. i am not weak for losing sight of my creativity. but i needed to break out of the comfortability. with the shift in perspective, i was able to realise that i have to start somewhere.
i did not study anything creative during my secondary/sixth form years. i took a chance applying for fashion courses. i knew that my lack of experience and portfolio would be my disadvantage but instead of giving up, i created a personal statement in the style of an acrostic poem which spelt out, “I AM FASHION.” my head of year told me it was a stupid idea that would not get me any offers. i ignored her and got offers on all of the universities i applied for. my first choice is where i went.
that determination i held for getting what i want wasn’t from someone else. it was from me. it’s okay to find inspiration from younger versions of yourself. because when you’re younger, your naivite can be something that pushes you do things you may feel too scared to do when you grow up.
well, i’ve grown up. and i’m re-adopting that same naivite that makes me me. i feel so free knowing that i can really do what i want. i have so many ideas so i’m going to do them. no more letting things stay in my head. i’m all about action this year.
with this, i am starting to get my sleep back to at least 8 hours a day. i am getting back into the gym more consistently since it is something i love. i am trying to be as productive as possible without stressing my body out. this is also the year to be kinder to your body. fuel it with what it needs and your body will give right back to you.
this is just my message saying look to the strength of a previous version of you, borrow it and soon, you’ll own it.
good luck!
that’s all i have to say for now.
bye, bye! xox